Many mistake faithlessness for spiritual maturity—which is why there is a lack of hope among us. It seems as if God’s people have lost all hope in him. Why do we choose to stop dreaming? Why is it so easy for us to lose a child-like faith when it comes to our Abba? God desires to set his people forth in a world that desperately needs him, but we just don’t seem to be impressed enough with his infinitive qualities to place all of our trust in him.
What would happen if we became completely comfortable with Jesus and Father God? What would happen to us if we allowed the Holy Spirit complete and total access to all that we are, all that we’ve been, and all that we secretly hope to become? Can you imagine the possibilities? The world is in dire need of a culture of believers who are willing to fall ridiculously in love with Jesus—a love that allows us to share all of our lives with him, and a love that allows him to be comfortable within us. Unfortunately, we are a culture of—well, I don’t know what we are.
I’ve often thought that people simply patronize the teachings of the relational concepts of the trinity. The few attempts that I have made with this subject seemingly spark a very small majority of the audience, but for the most part I can feel an atmosphere of “bless his heart, he’s trying.”
IT IS REAL. Consistent communion, joyous fun, deep—inseparable intimacy with a living God, His Son, and His Spirit calls to us. That relationship waits for us to grab hold of it and allow our lives to completely and totally wrap around it—which is unfortunate. Why would such an offer have to wait when it comes to people that claim to be of the faith? If we truly believe that the possibility for this type of relationship existed, we would run to it with all that we are.
My heart leaps and my eyes weep at the thought of the body of Christ experiencing him daily. I’m truly overcome when I think of what could happen if we just came to the understanding that we are ONE spirit with him. But, then I’m forced to ask myself the same question: what would happen if I allowed myself to understand that I am ONE spirit with Christ—that I am connected to Christ by a heavenly bridge called the Holy Spirit and my steps are ordained by God the Father as long as I remain in this connection…
What could be accomplished in our lives? What could the life of Christ create through us? I believe that eye has truly not seen and ear has not heard.
Unfortunately, I USED to live my life according to this faith. I allowed myself to be silly enough to believe that God could do anything and there was no reason that he couldn’t use me to do it…
Why I let this faith go, I will never know. I suppose that my patience disappeared and the more I ponder it, I think I allowed myself to become bitter with God because my time table wasn’t being met. I certainly didn’t leave my first love, but I changed the way that I loved Him…I’m not sure which is worse. When I first grabbed the concept of a personal relationship with Christ (not a sinner’s prayer and life of service, but a RELATIONSHIP!) it was a beautiful thing. I loved Abba Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in a way that was natural and organic to whom I am. I loved them all in a way that only I could. But, somewhere along my journey my love grew stale, corporate, and a bit generic. I allowed my dependency on them all to substitute as my love for them.
How often do we do that? How often do we replace desire with need? Our NEED for God goes without saying. The creation is nothing when it separates itself from the creator—but our desire for him is the thing that sets us apart. Our desire for his love, his intimacy, his fatherhood is the very thing that will birth the unimaginable…
Being considered wise, ripe, or mature isn’t worth losing that faith. Being so consumed with how people perceive us is of no value to us—but it’s the recklessness of our faith—the abandonment of our logic and our total trust in Our Father that brings us worth…
So, I’d like to declare this first of all to my Abba and secondly to the audience of this keyboard—No matter how silly my love looks to me and sounds to others it will be poured out. No matter how nervous the magnitude of my dreams make me, they will be returned to Him as an offering and steps will be taken toward them. If I see them become tangible I will know that they were his, if not—at least there was an effort. If my journey is at its peak now or if there’s an unimaginable future down this path—it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I completely trust, give foolish dependence, and share a completely personalized love to the one who is worthy of so much more.
Jesus, Father, Spirit, this life is yours. I want you above all else, so—help me to keep my love and trust “right” and feel free to do this life through me---it’s the best I can do.